
Upcoming Bluefin Sports Tuition Tournament
  |  First Published: November 2017

There have been a few changes for this year’s Bluefin Lake Maroon Fishing Classic. The competition has been held at Maroon Dam for the past three years, however, this year, the competition is being re-branded, a new venue has been chosen, and the date has been pushed back one month.

The competition is now scheduled for 9-11 December 2016 and will be held at Moogerah Dam. Bluefin Boats has once again retained the naming rights of the competition, so it will now be known as the Bluefin Sports Tuition Fishing Classic. One advantage of renaming the event now is that it will make it easier to host the event at other locations in the future, as well as possibly hosting the event more than once a year.

The 2016 Classic will be based at Camp Moogerah. There’s no need to book accommodation, as the accommodation fee is included in the fishing competition fee. You can nominate your preferred accommodation through the registration process. The site has cabin accommodation for 270, plus ample camping space.

As usual, to make it easy for the angler, there’ll be a catering service and an on-site coffee van for the duration of the competition. The event will follow the same formula of the past three years. The competition is catch, photo and release. Prizes are allocated for the longest of each species that reside in the dam for both junior and senior entrants. All fishing styles are permitted, including the use of bait, which is designed to encourage participation from novice and experienced anglers.

There will be special guest presentations, live entertainment and plenty of random draws. Once again, there are magnificent prizes up for grabs. The senior lucky door prize is the 420 Bluefin Drifter Deluxe and the junior lucky door prize is the 3.0 Bluefin Catfish. To keep up to date with the prize list, and to register, visit Sports Tuition’s website which is sportstuition.com.au. Also, follow Sports Tuition on Facebook where you’ll receive weekly updates of sponsor news.

As always, families are encouraged to participate. You don’t have to be a tournament angler. It’s a relaxed, family-friendly, social competition for everyone. So get involved! Register your family, tell your mates. Let’s make 2016 the most successful year yet.

Bluefin Sports Tuition Fishing Classic


An impressive fish for a junior angler. Mikayla picked up this brute of a bass in the Gorge at Moogerah recently. The Bluefin Sports Tuition Fishing Classic is a great event for the whole family.


The senior lucky door prize is the Bluefin 420 Drifter Deluxe. Picture yourself in it. Get involved.

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