
Winter is coming
  |  First Published: June 2017

Winter is starting to set in, which means cool westerly winds and crisp mornings are becoming the norm. Most fish will go deeper as it gets colder, so that means you have to change your tactics to suit the movement of the fish.

Blades and plastics are great go-to lures for when fish go deeper because they can be used in all depths of water. Bream will move deeper to spawn during winter so that means using a sounder to find where they are. Dropping plastics or blades on top of them will achieve the most success. Small 2-3” plastics with a jighead to suit the current and depth you’re fishing are all you need. Blades are another great option as the vibration the blades give out make the bream go crazy. I find that slow, small hops off the bottom will work well with the plastics, but blades need a small to medium lift of the rod to get the vibration running through the water.

Chasing squire

Squire will be a prime target over winter, with every man and his dog out there to catch a feed. Chasing these fish on lures is something unique and very effective. Squire love a well-presented soft plastic and with so many on the market, your choices are endless. When you walk into a tackle shop and are confronted with a large wall of lures it can be quite daunting at first, but any soft plastic around the 4” mark is a good starting point. Natural colours are my favourite.

The depth of water can vary in the southern section of the bay, but I always like to look around the 5m mark to start with, and then change depending on the conditions. Finding either some structure or bait is key for squire, and a good quality sounder is a great asset. Once you are in the right spot, throw a plastic out and just hop it off the bottom.

Squid time

Another great winter species that everyone loves is squid. Chasing squid can be both as simple as it gets but oh so technical at the same time. If you are keen to get your hands on these tasty cephalopods you need to know a few basic things on how to catch them. Squid inhabit weedy and rocky areas with local jetties being a hot spot. Using a squid jig, cast it out and then slowly hop it back to your feet. The key is to let the jig fall but not reach the bottom, depending on where you are fishing. Light drags are used when chasing squid because the barbs on the jigs can pull out very easily. Squid are a great species to target because they taste so good, or you can catch them for bait as every fish eats them.

I hope you all get a chance to get out on the water and throw a line in. If you want to know any more info or ask me any questions come into Dave’s Bayside Bait and Tackle in Victoria Point. We are always happy to have a chat. Until next month, tight lines and screaming drags.

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