
Snapper hit a fantastic frenzy
  |  First Published: November 2017

We’re rapidly approaching the end of the year. Hopefully the weather remains on its best behaviour, just like it has been lately. Offshore, we’ve had a fantastic run of snapper. It was the new moon period that sent the snapper into a frenzy with some excellent sized fish.

We reached our bag limit on a few occasions with the compulsory fish at 700mm+ and three fish under 700mm. Some of my clients nearly cried having to send the bigger ones back over the side. That’s some fantastic fishing!

Pearl perch continue to bite well along with Moses perch, tuskfish, amberjack and some nice red emperor. In the Great Sandy Straits, there’s been a lot of activity, particularly around Inskip Point with big schools of longtail tuna.

They’ve been really active early in the morning and only about 20m offshore. They were smashing into frogmouth pilchards, so it’s necessary to duplicate the lure with the size of the bait they’re chewing on. They weren’t big fish, but there were hundreds of them and they’re great fun on the light gear.

There have been good catches of summer whiting – Kauri Creek and the old logging ramp on Fraser Island have been the hot spots. Last November was really good fishing and great weather. From memory, big snapper were on the menu and we didn’t have to go too far offshore to find them.


The girls have been getting stuck into great fish like these nice pearlies.


Reds and snapper will be on the chew in November.


Another cracking snapper caught by Ben.

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