
Reefs coming up with the goods in the bay
  |  First Published: April 2017

The Fraser Coast looks extra crispy due to the lack of rain. A stark contrast to the usual lush green surroundings we enjoy at this time of year.

As many old timers used to tell me when I was a kid ‘a drought on land means a drought on the water’ and it certainly seems the case with fishing all round being pretty tough lately. Even the pro anglers are finding it hard to catch anything and this breaks my heart no end. With little relief in sight let’s hope things change sooner rather than later.


Local reefs have been hit and miss but there are still fish to be caught by targeting the best tide changes with fresh or live baits. Fishing dawn, dusk and big night tide changes are favourable as you’re not baking in the midday sun and it’s far more productive. Refining terminal tackle by using lighter leaders, less lead, sharp hooks and good quality bait will help tip the odds of success in your favour. Recent captures include greasy parrot, coral bream, blackall, golden trevally, juvenile snapper and the ever-reliable gold spot cod at the Arty, Moon Ledge, the Picnics and Bagimba Ledge.

Our estuaries are also suffering without the injection of nutrients and bait from our rivers being flushed out and haven’t been the hive of activity we are used to. There are still a few fish kicking around with flathead, bream and whiting making up the bulk of the catch. Up the creeks it’s a similar story but after the epic threadfin run things had to level out eventually. There are still a few threadfin and grunter getting around and there is always a chance of a barra.

This month is one of the best for big longtail tuna and they can be found from Rooney’s Point right down the Sandy Straits. Often in small schools they can be hard to get a cast at when they aren’t actively feeding on bait schools. By blind casting in the area where fish have surfaced it is possible to catch those fish that are sitting deeper using plastics and slugs.

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