
Offshore crazy kingfish captures
  |  First Published: July 2017

Our estuary system rebounded and is fishing well again. Plenty of bream are being taken along the Snowy River all the way up to the highway bridge at Orbost, making the fishing platforms that have been erected prime fishing spots along both sides of the river all the way down to the Marlo Road causeway turn-off.

With the river tidal all the way up to the Orbost Bridge many other species are also being taken. Mullet are in good supply and luderick, trevally and tailor are on the chew. The Brodribb is also fishing well with all the mentioned species being caught all the way up to Lake Curlip.

Down in the estuary close to Marlo, the fishing is also very good. Marlo is a prime spot to catch all the species that come into the estuary and it’s ideal for casting metal lures for tailor and salmon. Further up around the islands is an ideal spot for luderick. Anglers are getting good results fishing the rock groins that surround the islands and along the river banks.

The surf beaches are still firing. Anglers have reported getting plenty of salmon and tailor using light gear and spinning metal lures. Other anglers have had good results using surf gear and a paternoster rig with a popper on top and bait on the bottom hook. Gummy sharks are still in good numbers with many anglers getting their bag on most outings.

Offshore the fishing is still very good. Big schools of kingfish have reappeared and are stretching the arms of all the anglers targeting them. Anglers have reported captures on live baits, cast lures, trolled diving lures and surface lures as well as knife and flutter jigs.

Joe and Pauline Connelly from our local Game Fishing Club managed to bag a couple of good-size kings; Pauline landed one over 9kg and Joe another almost as big. As well as the kings there are plenty of flathead, gurnard, squid, barracouta, pinkie snapper and gummy sharks.

Recently a visitor from Queensland came into the shop to inquire about beach fishing and I explained the rig and bait he would need to catch salmon. He told me he didn’t need any fish as the person in the next camping site at Marlo Camping Park had caught a huge swordfish fishing out from Cape Conran and was sharing the flesh with all the campers.

The fishing further out has again exploded, making our area the premium gamefishing spot in Victoria with four broadbills from 180-250kg, a marlin, bigeye tuna and a huge thresher shark weighed in over a couple of days. Lots more action isn’t reported. The word is out and things will only get better.

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